SCA Meeting Agenda, August 2017
Thursday August 10th, 2017 7:00 – 9:00 PM
Central Memorial Recreation Centre – 93 West Ave S
SCA Values: Collaboration, Engagement, Respect, Trust, Inclusiveness, Transparency
SCA Mission: To enable all residents to fully participate in the community. To actively engage community partners in building relationships in order to enrich the community and the neighbourhood. To encourage, build, and preserve a safe, clean, and attractive neighbourhood that we are all proud to call home
SCA Vision: Stinson is a diverse and engaged community with a natural, historic, and vibrant character
- Welcome, Land Acknowledgement, Review of Values, Mission and Vision, Introductions (Matt – 7:00 – 7:10 PM)
- Agenda and Minutes Review/Additions
- RE-Imagining Project/Neighbourhood Action Strategy Update (Sarah Glen-Hamilton Community Foundation, Suzanne Brown (Director Neighbourhood and Community Intiaitives, City of Hamilton– 7:10 – 7:50)
- Stinson Neighbourhood Action Plan Update (Jocelyn/Erika – 7:50 – 8:00 PM)
- Break (8:00 – 8:05 PM)
- Treasurer’s Report (Dave – 8:05 -8:10 PM)
- Mural Project (Juliana LaChance- 8:10 – 8:15 PM)
- David Derbyshire – 3HN3 Nurse Program (Karl – 8:15 – 8:25 PM)
- McMaster Research Project (Karl – 8:25 – 8:30 PM)
- Helen’s Updates (Helen – 8:30 – 8:40)
- Stinson Action Team/Committee/Project Updates (Matt – As needed – 8:40 – 8:50 PM)
- Songs from the Bishop
- Events – StinsonConnects!
- Stinzine
- Small Space Gardening Workshop with Corktown
- Slow Down Snail Mural
- PlanLocal
- Reminder! SCA Annual General Meeting and Elections October 12th (Karl – 8:50 – 8:55 PM)
- Community Information Sharing (Matt – If needed – 8:55 – 9:00 pm)
- Wrap Up and Next Meeting (Karl – 9:00 pm)
- Upcoming meeting agendas tentatively include:
- SCA meetings are every 2nd Thursday of the month from 7-9 PM
- Updates from Neighbourhood Action Evaluation Focus Groups
SCA Meeting Agenda, August 2017
Thursday August 10th, 2017 7:00 – 9:00 PM
Central Memorial Recreation Centre – 93 West Ave S
SCA Values: Collaboration, Engagement, Respect, Trust, Inclusiveness, Transparency
SCA Mission: To enable all residents to fully participate in the community. To actively engage community partners in building relationships in order to enrich the community and the neighbourhood. To encourage, build, and preserve a safe, clean, and attractive neighbourhood that we are all proud to call home
SCA Vision: Stinson is a diverse and engaged community with a natural, historic, and vibrant character
Recognition of Traditional Land: We want to recognize and acknowledge that we meet on the traditional territories of The Mississauga of the Credit River and the Six Nations Haudenosaunee within the lands protected by the Dish with One Spoon wampum agreement.
Present: Julianna LaChance, Margaret Bennett, Karl Andrus, Dave Michal, Eleni Jalbout, Erika Morton, Ben, Christina, Talia Jakowlew, Roseann DaRosa, Carla Oliveira, Cidalio Oliveira, M Morgira, Sunil Angrish (Stinson Community Developer-Social Planning and Research Council of Hamilton), Helen Zeng (Stinson Community Developer Assistant.Student)
Guests: Neighbourhood Action Strategy – Suzanne Brown (City of Hamilton), Sarah Glen (Hamilton Community Foundation), Lorraine (Hamilton Community Foundation), Neighbourhood Action Strategy – Melanie Pothier , Shruti Ramesh, McMaster Research Shop – Adam Chiavaralle, Sheila Cranmer-Byng, David Ghasimi
- Welcome, Land Acknowledgement, Review of Values, Mission and Vision, Agenda, Minutes and Introductions
- Karl provided a welcome, Erika provided an land acknowledgement, Dave reviewed the vision, values and mission, Karl started introductions
- Agenda and Minutes Review/Additions – No meeting agenda additions
- Margaret gave a thank you (with cupcakes!) to the community for the amazing things that are happening in Stinson by the many volunteers
- Guests: RE-Imagining Project/Neighbourhood Action Strategy (NAS) Update – Sarah Glen-Hamilton Community Foundation, Suzanne Brown (Director Neighbourhood and Community Initiatives, City of Hamilton)
- Sarah Glen began with a recap about the RE-Imagining project – NAS is 6 years old and determined that there was a conversation to have around how the NAS was going and where there could be improvements
- Initiated a participatory research project that engaged with 200 people about the NAS, 25 people were interviewed from Stinson
- Output was a report on Re Imagining NAS – available online and has previously been sent to the SCA
- One key theme was that Community Developers are key to this work, also heard that they was community development is organized could be changed or re-organized. Thinking about the best way to do community development
- Shared that the contract with the SPRC, who manages the NAS team of Community Developers would not have their contract renewed after Dec 31st 2017
- City of Hamilton will continue to provide funding for community development and looking through different options
- Here to answer questions and talk about what the coming months might look like and be involved participating what NAS “2.0” could look like
- Would love to come back and sketch the next plan to come together
- We learned that we need to have effective communication moving forward
- Question and Answer with Stinson Residents – Q. Who were part of the interviews? Were they actively involved with the Stinson Community Association? A. We can’t share a list of the interviewees. Also the work isn’t completed and there are more opportunities to be involved. Lorraine will reach out to people who have put their name forward. Ways to engage include having an interview, draft document can be a jumping point of conversation
- Q. Our CD is an asset to our community, is there any ways to extend the CD role? A. We are working on transition plan with SPRC. It’s probably going to take 6 months or so. There will be Community Developers in January after SPRC contract is completed and there will be no gap in between transitioning the contract. Will continue to have action plans, small grants and other core components for neighbourhoods too. We know there is uncertainty as we want to co-create this together. We will make sure that everyone knows what the next steps are moving forward.
- Q. Why and how Stinson got missed in the process so much-overall lack of communication? A. We are here to figure out the best way for us to communicate to the SCA-that’s what we want to find out. We want to know what channels to use. We heard that being responsive is important. We are being responsive to what has happened to make this process better. We know that the communication as a mistake.
- Q. How to keep the knowledge that has been gained over the past years of working with the SPRC? A. We are working with SPRC to ensure that knowledge that is currently held will be collected and gathered and transferred in the transition. We are looking to a collective solution so that knowledge isn’t lost.
- Q. How are we reassured what things look like given that the SCA has its AGM and new exec elections happening in October. A. We are working to have a plan drafted for Oct so that you will know. Hope to communicate something by end of Sept.
- Q. Why was there a lack of lead time to complete the research process so that the transition and plan could have been included? A. Part of the issue was trying to be as inclusive as possible while also having obligations to do the project. Highlights the question of getting an institutional setting to work together with grassroots initiatives and to work in balance.
- Comment that the Community Developers are kept as they are key to our work and we are a group of volunteers. We hope developers are made aware of having opportunities for a position sooner than later and/or given first choice of refusal for any positions that are available. We need to make sure that any relationships are maintained.
- ACTION: Please contact Sarah and Suzanne for any questions or comments and to learn more about how to be involved in next steps of the NAS 2.0 – [email protected] or [email protected]
- Guest: Stinson Neighbourhood Action Plan Update (Jocelyn/Erika)
- New plan is more scalable – taken 1 year at a time.
- Identified 3 key areas based on feedback received through postcards, online survey, facebook, meetings.
- More walkable and safe streets
- Public space, parks, and greenspace
- Community engagement
- Overall themes around bringing in more engagement, inclusivity, expansive
- Not limiting as categories cast wide net over key areas
- Design is meant to be easily accessible to residents and communicated, rather than a thick document.
- Question about how to gather on-going feedback so can be updated annually. Helen indicated that feedback was pretty good and complete so existing questions work. Dave offered to put the three questions on the website and have regular pushes to ask people for feedback. Majority of feedback came from on-line.
- Treasurer’s Report (Dave)
- Treasurer’s report – 2 month update due to not meeting last month
- A lot of activity with the bank account including for Songs From The Bishop, Community Garden, some shifting around with some items from the garden which will be updated on the report
- We have some grant monies that we received
- We have an increase in the bank account this month for $700!
- The treasurers books are welcome to anyone in the community who would like to review
- Suggestion raised that we should have a master list of any grants/donations and value of in-kind donations that are received and offered a gratitude when we receive them
- Mural Project (Julianna LaChance)
- Julianna present that she has completed an Endorsement form to do a mural project on the Victoria St bridge Part of a series of Portal Murals.
- Would like to create a mural that connects the City together. Will be working with 2 other artists
- Would like ideas for the mural from the community
- Noted that this is our first request for a community endorsement!
- Julianna will be applying for a matching grant from the City. Not requesting for any financial support from the SCA
- Would like to take this request to an immediate vote-normal process to distribute the Endorsement submission for review by the community
- Motion moved by Karl to forgo the Endorsement process for the mural, Seconded by Christina. All approved, one abstained and no objections
- Karl moved a second motion to approve Endorsement by Julianna, seconded by Christina-all approved, no objections
- Guest: David Derbyshire – McMaster 3HN3 Nurse Program (Karl)
- Collaborative effort by McMaster University and the neighbourhood
- Can we attend your meeting and work with you
- Neighbourhoods identify an issue that they would like to address related to social determinants of health
- Issue is supported to by 2 residents (called Community Consultants) in the community who work with students in the course
- Invite anyone who is interested in participating to let SCA exec know. Karl will be meeting with David next week.
- Orientation for Community Consultants is the last Wednesday of the month in August
- Shruti offered that as a previous participant of the course she can speak to the limitations and resources available for this opportunity.
- ACTION: Shruti to share her email address for connecting with interested participants. [email protected]
- McMaster Research Shop (Karl)
- Will be producing a paper for our October meeting
- Will be 10-20 page report with recommendations
- Will be doing mainly a literature review to look at best practices around community engagement
- ACTION: Updates to be provided as necessary
- Helen’s Updates (Helen)
- Have been working with Sunil as his assistant. Today is her last day as she completed her contract with the SPRC. Helen provided updates on all the work that she has accomplished and where are opportunities to follow up on:
- Today was a basketball tournament in Carter Park with Youth Outreach Workers Hamilton
- Talked to Sam at the Rec Centre to host a movie night. They can show anything on DVD. ACTION: This task needs a volunteer to take the lead
- Apartment database for apartments in Stinson is available to assist with engagement
- Work with engaging RCFs-have spoken with a couple non-profits to connect. Sunil has information.
- A big Thank You was shared by the SCA for Helen as she has been fantastic to work with and will be missed for her initiative taking, engagement, friendliness and Stinson spirit!
- Carisma Church Update (Roseann)
- Roseann provided a review of events happening at Carisma Church via Pastor Vic:
- We have a lot of compassion in our service to our community. They are really excited about working with the Stinson Community Association
- We host PA and March break camps at an affordable price for the community
- Free Labour Day fun day on Sept 2 with BBQ etc.
- Free outdoor movie nights
- Free community feeding program which just started at the end of June. Bi-weekly on 2nd and 4th the Sun of each month. We are seeing almost 50 people attend.
- Future programs – looking into the Craftsman challenge to help people in need for their dwellings, youth visiting the elderly with music
- current challenge is on our worship – we want to do better and bigger things but limited by our space
- viii.Assessment was done, the building can last approx. 20 years. Plan B is to move the Ministry to Mount Hope where there is more affordable land
- Currently, we are seeking a developer to build a multi development affordable building with affordable units for families.
- Have spoken to Jason Farr and he is supportive
- Roseann provided a review of events happening at Carisma Church via Pastor Vic:
- Stinson Action Team/Committee/Project Updates (Matt)
- Songs from the Bishop – Great event. Funding for the event was all done through crowd funding. Will look to businesses to support in the future.
- Events – StinsonConnects! – Very successful event, over 200 people attended. Great job Tarek!
- Stinzine – Have given out the latest issue far and wide. Brainstorming ideas for the next issue. Brainstorming with Sam at the rec centre to invite people to a meeting to work with us on future issues.
- Small Space Gardening Workshop with Corktown – Workshop with Corktown in July. Collaboration with Corktown. We had 31 people attend with 40% of people from apartment buildings. Successful way to engage with apartment buildings. Brought out a lot of new people. Positive feedback and would like to do more workshops. Second workshop for the fall could include how to rewire a lamp. Stinson to sponsor the next workshop.
- Slow Down Snail Mural – Received paint yesterday and will begin painting soon in Eleni’s backyard. Will be working with youth from Art Forms.
- PlanLocal – No updates
- Community Garden – Have been encouraging people to take food to eat. Will hold half the beds next year for community to rent and the other half will be a food box program. Next month will be voting on art for the Garden Archway. There is a $400 honorarium to paint and 2 by 2 piece of wood
- Yard Sale – Cross neighbourhood collaboration with Stinson, Durand and Corktown. There were 30 different garage sales. Costs were $119 with only costs being advertising. Brought in people from other cities outside the community
- Stinson Rocks – there are probably 400 rocks that have been painted and hidden. Goal is to find and re-hide rocks.
- Reminder! SCA Annual General Meeting and Elections October 12th (Karl)
- Gentle reminder to SCA residents about the upcoming Annual General Meeting and that there will be SCA exec roles up for election
- Community Information Sharing (Karl)
- No update
- Wrap Up and Next Meeting (Karl)
- Meeting location for Sept to be announced after exec team meets, tentatively at Carsima Church, or outside
- Upcoming meeting agendas tentatively include:
- SCA meetings are every 2nd Thursday of the month from 7-9 PM
- Updates from Neighbourhood Action Evaluation Focus Groups