Meeting Minutes
Thursday August 9th, 2018 7:00 – 9:00 PMCentral Memorial Recreation Centre – 93 West Ave S
Land Acknowledgment: We want to recognize and acknowledge that we meet on the traditional territories of the Mississauga of the Credit River and the Six Nations Haudenosaunee and within the lands protected by the Dish with One Spoon wampum agreement.
SCA Values: Collaboration, Engagement, Respect, Trust, Inclusiveness, Transparency
SCA Mission: To enable all residents to fully participate in the community. To actively engage community partners in building relationships in order to enrich the community and the neighbourhood. To encourage, build, and preserve a safe, clean, and attractive neighbourhood that we are all proud to call home
SCA Vision: Stinson is a diverse and engaged community with a natural, historic, and vibrant character
Attendees: Tina Dort, Karl Andrus, Christina Babcock, Sunil Angrish, Ute Schmid-Jones, Nicole Smith, Cameron Kroetsch, Steven Rowe, Alain Bureau, Kathy Sutherland, Lee McIlmoyle, Nicole Walter.
- Welcome and Indigenous Land Acknowledgement reviewed
- Introductions completed, review of Values, Mission and Vision as a group anddiscussions of what Trust means to you
- Treasurer’s Update
1. Deferred – Report will be provided when available.
4. Community Developer Update
1. Terms of Reference review subcommittee is being requested – If you’re interested in providing feedback on the Terms of Reference please email: [email protected]
1. Karl and Tina are maybes
1. This is the time to review a new terms of reference and nominate and elect Executive members.
3. Survey to assess barriers and areas of interest will be developed
- Stinson will be participating in both Ward 2 and 3 debates – it was motioned and seconded for the SCA to participate in coordinating a Ward 3 debate
- Meet and Greet with the Ward 3 councillors will be held in Sherman on Monday October 1st, 2018
- Carter Park clean up by John Howard Society was approved.
- Volunteer Swag is going to be ordered – small grant is progressing.
- Winter events discussion
1. Holiday tree and decorations is an idea.
1. Maybe a kids craft to develop ornaments
2. Ice rink – noble failure – ?Hockey night?
- Community Garden subcommittee
- Artist needed for the Canada 150 Archway
- Please email [email protected] about this and also if you’re interested in joiningthe subcommittee
- What’s going on in Stinson?
1. Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra Event – August 25th at 2PM
1. $150 for refreshments was approved by motion and seconded.
- Bike Rodeo with New Hope
- SCA could have a table to promote other events – Tina volunteered to man it
- Does anyone know the penny farthing guy? Please let us know if you do!
- Steamwhistle maintenance station was discussed as an option to be explored.
- Final movie night Friday August 24th at 9PM at Central Memorial Rec Centre courtyard.
- Railtrail clean up – Sunday August 19th 11am-2pm – meet at Corktown Park
1. Farr will be emailed to make sure due diligence re: those along the rail trail is done. 5. Ward 2 community council meeting – September 24th 6-8pm in council chambers
- Public health will be discussing disposal of sharps
- Karl will attend
- Any questions or issues please let Sunil or co-chair know
10. Neighbourhood Action Evaluation
- The evaluation is ending towards the end of the year and they would like time at the September meeting to provide updates on the behalf of the NAE re: the past five years as well as answer questions about the report.
- If you have strong preferences about food please email us!
11. The SCA September meeting will occur at Hamilton Continuing Care (125 Wentworth Street South) on Thursday September 13th from 6:30pm – 9pm
- Motion to change location (due to Central Memorial Rec Centre being closed inSeptember) was moved and seconded.
- Food will be provided by the NAE