The firm of F. W. Fearman is known throughout the Dominion and elsewhere asĀ about the largest of the many large establishments devoted to the treatment of pork in all its branches. This firm annually receives from the farmer about 50,000 hogs, and furnishing to the retail trade and consumers generally, product in the form of hams, bacon, shoulders, spiced rolls, long clears, mess pork, short cut pork, lard, etc., in matchless quality.
FoundedĀ in 1852, the firm has gradually, from very small beginnings, arrived at the prominent position it holds to-day. Possessed of very extensive premises, fully equipped with all the modern improvements and appliances adapted to the trade, and conducted with exemplary honesty and straightforwardness, the firm enjoys the same excellent reputation as that obtained for their meats in all quarters where they are known. Orders are received daily from the UnitedStates, Great Britain, France and the West Indies. Amongst other distinctions obtained by their meats, may be mentioned a medal and diploma at the Colonial Exhibition held in London, England, and a gold medal and diploma the highest award at the Jamaica Exhibition.