SCA February 2015 Planning Meeting Agenda

Thursday February 12th, 2015 7:00 – 9:00 PM Central Memorial Recreation Centre SCA Values: Collaboration, Engagement, Respect, Trust, Inclusiveness, Transparency Welcome and Introductions, Values, Vision, Mission – Co-Chair (7:00 – 7:10) Agenda review and additions; Minutes review and accept – Co-Chair/Secretary (7:10 – 7:15) SCA Executive Committee Updates (7:15 – 7:25) Treasurer’s Report Conflict Resolution Update…

Stinson Welcomes Lyna Saad – Community Developer

Announcement: Please share with your networks! Dear community members, colleagues and partners in the Neighbourhood Action Strategy: On behalf of Don Jaffray and the Social Planning and Research Council, I’m delighted to announce the appointment of Lyna Saad to the position of Community Developer for the Crown Point and Stinson Neighbourhoods of the Neighbourhood Action…