Annual General Meeting – Executive Elections
Meeting Minutes
Thursday October 10th, 2013
Central Memorial Recreation Centre
1. Welcome
- Elisabeth welcomed all to the meeting and asked if there were any additions to the agenda
- A request to provide an update about 467 Charlton was approved
2. Secretary – Review of Minutes
- Elisabeth shared that there were a number of errors in the previous meeting minutes and requested that individuals email her with corrections
- Action: Elisabeth to make corrections to minutes and bring a revised copy to the next SCA meeting
3. Treasurer’s report
- No report available, Annual report deferred to the next SCA meeting
- Action: Treasurer’s Annual Report to be provided at November SCA meeting
4. Two Motions
- Elisabeth set forth two motions
i. A recommendation that the constitution and code of conduct is reviewed and revised by the new executive committee in order to make the documents more cohesive
ii. A recommendation to suspend the actions of Goal B of the SNAP committee, Communications, until ownership/accountability of the website is addressed by the executive committee. Currently, the SCA is not the owner of its website.
- Both motions were voted in favour and seconded
- Action: Executive committee to update SCA with regards to both matters at upcoming meetings
5. SNAP Committee Chair Updates
- History Committee-No updates
- CPR Committee (Civic square, park and recreation centre)-Recently met with City staff to review plans set forth by the City for Carter Park and to discuss next steps
i. CPR committee with the City will be holding a public information meeting. City staff are currently helping to make arrangements, including communications about the event (i.e. flyers, mail drops)
ii. At the event, we will be presenting the plan for the park and get feedback from the community, which will help to finalize plans
iii. A part of the info session will be asking for input from residents on re naming Carter Park
iv. The committee is looking into renaming the park as a part of its redevelopment
v. Work has happened on looking up who the park is named after, but has been unsuccessful
vi. Residents will be asked if they feel that the park should be renamed and to suggest new names
vii. The session will also provide a venue for attracting more volunteers to be part of the action plan groups
viii. There will be a table set up with info about the Stinson Neighbourhood Plan and the subcommittees that people can join
ix. Also, updated on work happening at Stinson School Parkette. New playground equipment has been installed and woodchips ground covering. Fencing to come. A plaque with the park name has been installed.
x. A number of questions were raised regarding the Stinson School Lofts:
xi. One questions was discussed around the use of woodchips in lieu of rubberized grounding coverage in order to prevent health and safety hazards
xii. The committee also questioned if the name of the park was permanent. A call into the City regarding the name resulted received no response
xiii. Also raised was the use of the strip in front of the school and the design/materials of the walkways and the use of the old school equipment
xiv. The committee felt there were a few possibilities for using the front strip of the school, such as for parking
xv. There was concern about the walkways, and the mismatch of design/materials indicates a lack of cohesion
xvi. Action: Jason Farr to follow up regarding the use of woodchips, location of former playground equipment, park name/sign and get back to the committee
xvii. Action: Elisabeth to look into status of the front strip and walkways at Stinson School Lofts
6. 467 Charlton Updates
- Recently a geological based report to City staff was presented regarding the site a 467 Charlton
- The report clearly indicated that there are 2 areas (street side and north side) of the site that are unstable/unsafe for building and would require retaining walls and significant construction
- Despite the report of safety issues, the developers will be going ahead with their plans to build
- Action: Brenda to keep the SCA updated
7. SCA Executive Committee Elections
- Members of the SCA participated in a voting process where they chose who would fulfill the roles of the SCA for the 2013-2014 year
- The roles to be filled are: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary/Administrator
- Candidates were asked to come forward to announce their intention to fill a role
- Candidates were:
i. President – Brenda Mitchell
ii. Vice President – Ralph Meiers
iii. Treasurer – Katherine Dymkowski
iv. Secretary – Erika Morton
- The candidates were acclaimed in as the new SCA Executive Committee
- The new committee will officially begin in January, with Oct – Dec as a time for transition
8. Executive Committee Speeches
- Following appointment of the new SCA executive committee, each member of the new executive provided a brief speech about their running for a role
- Most spoke about their passion for the Stinson Community, wanting to engage neighbours and residents, building a community that is safe, welcoming and engaged, and bringing their skills, talents and passion to good use with the SCA and that the work of the SCA will involved collaboration
- Also discussed was the need to focus on relationship building in the coming year
9. Jason Farr Updates
- Bike Lanes
- Jason shared that the bike lane extension will be happening in November
- There will be temporary blockage of the roadway for work to happen
- Participatory Budgeting
- Implementation of projects to happen in 2014
- A representative from the assembly will be responsible for overseeing projects
- Currently reviewing the process of the PBW2 to determine what worked and what didn’t work
- Input is welcome from the community, as well, staff have provided feedback
- Neighbourhood Traffic Plan
- Question was raised by the committee regarding roadwork on Wentworth to make it a 2 way street
- Elisabeth suggested that the SNAP committee that was looking at traffic/roadways regroup, new volunteers are welcome to join the committee
10. Other Business
- Horizons Utilities Program
- Brenda shared information about the Horison Utilities/Power Ontario program to make homes more energy efficicent
- The program is for renters and home owners
- The committee suggested inviting a guest from Horizons to speak about the program
- Action: Brenda to follow up with Horizons to arrange a guest speaker
- Harry Stinson Halloween event
- Committee members were updated about an offer from Harry Stinson for the community to host a Halloween themed event/fundraiser
- The committee agreed to decline the offer due to the lack of information about the event and the lack of time and people available to prepare and hold an event
11. Next Meeting: Thursday November 14th, 2013