The Neighbourhood Action Evaluation (NAE) invites you to contribute to an evaluation of your local Neighbourhood Action Strategy’s process and planning implementation. We would like to interview you about your thoughts on how things are going and how to make it better. The study will be used to try and improve Neighbourhood Action. It will also let other people outside our community know what lessons we have learned in the project.
The study is being led by Dr. Sarah Wakefield (a University of Toronto researcher and Hamilton resident) and her research team made up of research assistants, and staff from the Social Planning and Research Council (SPRC)
The interview will take about one hour to complete and will be audio-recorded with your permission. We won’t identify you or what you specifically say in our reports or presentations, but people who you work closely with might still be able to recognize you based on what you say or how you say it. Community residents will be compensated for their time.
If you would like to be interviewed, please contact the research assistant in your neighbourhood below
Melanie Pothier, Research Assistant (NAE)